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More About Therapeutic Riding...
This encompasses multiple areas of development including not only physical and mental health, but also the enhancement of social, emotional and behavioral skills.
Riding stimulates muscles and nerves that may be unaffected by other traditional therapies. This thereby helps to improve mobility, balance, and co-ordination through increasing muscle tone, strength, and flexibility. Riding also sharpens concentration skills, builds self-confidence, and offers a sense of freedom and independence to which no other activity can compare. All this occurs simultaneously while creating a unique bond with an equine partner.
Fresh air exercise provided far away from traditional settings (such as offices or hospitals) is enjoyable, relaxing and
very motivational. This private, recreational activity promotes increased cooperation and exercise tolerance as participants fail to recognize their experience as anything other than fun.
Ultimately, riding creates an enhanced sense of freedom as the horse provides the rider with the ability to achieve goals and go places that were once otherwise perceived as impossible.